lauren fries brink


knitsights - capstone project

app | github

My capstone project for Ada Developers Academy, built over 3.5 weeks in January 2017. A solo project on a topic I'm passionate about, using technologies both covered and not covered in class. This project was one of just 3 chosen from 48 projects to be featured on Ada's blog. For more, please check out the README on the repo.

technologies used:


app | github

Working with three classmates, I created this Beyonce-themed eCommerce website. In particular, my work focused on model testing and view/action privileges for admin users. In addition, I led my group's sprint planning and acted as product manager to ensure we prioritized work and finished in time.

technologies used:


app | github

A single-page application to play Tic-Tac-Toe with a friend. Fetches from and posts to a Ruby on Rails API deployed on Heroku to track players and game history.

technologies used:

what the heck should i eat?

app | github

A solo project to search recipes through an API. I focused on responsive, clean design using Foundation.

technologies used:

simple digital clock

app | github

A very early project using Javascript and jQuery. As an extension of the requirements, I deployed my project to Github Pages, just in case there's ever a shortage of clocks on the internet.

technologies used:

farmer's market finder

app | github

The first large Rails project at Ada, and our first app deployed to production. Together with a partner, I built this simple database to search Farmer's Markers in the US.

technologies used: